Loan Rates

ViaLoan Rates1


Personal Loans  APR
Share Secured Loan as low as 2.49%
Certificate Secured Loan as low as 1.50%  + Certificate Rate  
Personal Loan as low as 9.99%
GEM Loan  as low as 11.99% 


Credit Cards  APR
VISA Platinum Rewards Credit Card as low as 10.90% fixed
VISA Classic Credit Card as low as 12.90% fixed


Auto Loans  APR
New/Used Auto & Motorcycle as low as 6.99%
New/Used Boat, Camper & RV as low as 7.19% 
New/Used ATV, Snowmobile & Lawn Tractors
as low as 8.19%
New/Used Golf Carts & Jet Skis as low as 8.19% 


Home Loans   
5-30 Year First Mortgage Call for details 
5-15 Year Second Mortgage Call for details 
Home Equity Line of Credit Variable interest rate

Rates and terms are effective as of October 1, 2024 and are subject to change at any time without notice.  The interest rate may vary depending on each individual's credit history and underwriting factors.



Local Branches


Nationwide ATMs


Members Served


CO-OP Shared Branches